The Facebook posts on the Church of England receive some interesting responses about what churches are doing, some nonconformist critiques and soft defences – No, its not really nationalist, but it would be fair to say that the Church of England was not rocking. Yet, in my humble view (not opinion) that is what it needs. For five hundred years it has been establishment, supporting the political (tory) status quo. The destruction of the Reformation Gospel for all people living before God and reforming politics and living achieved by Henry VIII goes on and is now chronic. Normal people cannot even understand the C of E. The hierarchy is in an ecclesiastical cul de sac, and also with you. It, aside the ordinary Anglican Christians doing good work, having visions, welcoming refugees, living the faith in personal terms, is terminally in failure. Congregations are old. The museum culture engulfs us – oh the Church roof, and we go no-where, we do nothing, we can do nothing because church structures are not geared to doing anything.

And here the Facebook posts come in. Those who see more are too nice to confront the system, and the system is too slippery to address itself. Five hundred years of relative inertia is difficult to shift. The Anglican subconscious does nothing. Yet, we need a Reformation in the Church of England which shakes it to its foundations. It is only up for a crack in the plaster. Marx, in another bit of his Christian/Jewish thinking aside his materialism/atheism said the point was to change the world, not just understand it, but the Anglican hierarchy, without a work of God, cannot change. It is like asking a garden gnome to sprint. Christians change not by revolution, but by reformation. The present Anglican Church can’t address militarism, poverty and wealth, sexual faithfulness, consumerism, superpowers, global warming, international relations because it is stuck. The God Who rules the whole of life, science, wars, arrogant rulers through all centuries is in Anglican minds fixated down on the Eucharist, liturgy and choosing the next vicar. So, this post is not about a few views, but the Reformation of the Church Of England. And Reformers have to stand up one by one and reform. Somehow the ecclesiastical and political establishment of the Church of England must go. It is not mainly about shuffling persons, but it is about changing persons and a radical review of Anglicanism and its unchristianities and subcultural mindsets.