Christ’s Victory over the Cross.


Christ defeated militarism on the Cross. The conflict may go unnoticed, but is perhaps the most important in human history. In his teaching Jesus insisted, “Do not fear those who can kill you, but fear God. Fear is the currency of militarism – “Do our will or we will kill you.” All military power hangs on that, and our leaders use fear day in day out to keep the military strong. But Christ extracts this fear from us and lives the truth of peace.

The Cross was the Roman fear machine. In Christ’s infancy two thousand revolting men were strung up on crosses in Galilee to eradicate rebellion; it worked and they ruled. Later, the Jewish leaders aimed to kill Jesus, but had to use the Roman system. Their problem was that Christ was fearless. They wanted to kill the Best, the healer, helper, affirmer, the good man, so they could prosper. Many evil leaders have tried that route since. To be silenced he had to die.

Christ had already set out the way of peace. He warned, “Those who take the sword will perish by the sword.” And “Love your enemies.” And “Don’t retaliate.” And “Blessed are the makers of peace.” And “Sort out your quarrels fast.” He taught his disciples to pass on peace, extending its scope, and required them to forgive others. It was the recipe for good living together. But then, as now, those who want power through might oppose and fear this message.

So Christ had to be killed. He went after a bogus trial to the Cross, to be killed on it, and so defeated, the King of the Jews and the Son of God. He knew the other way. He wept over the carnage coming to Jerusalem as he looked down on it. “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace – but now it is hidden from your eyes…” and he detailed the coming crisis when the streets near the Temple ran with so much blood that it put the fires out and a million died. He saw it coming and warned. He was no insurrectionist; indeed, Barabbas got off and Christ was sentenced by a manipulated rabble before Pilate.

Jesus was nailed on the Cross, the fear machine and said, “Father forgive them. They know not what they do.” It was the understatement of all time, nailing the fatuity of all militarism, the broken legs and spear in the side arrogance of might. Our stupidity and evil can be forgiven and healed. The Cross was defeated by the One on it. The fear of death was faced, and overcome. The bluff of militarism is called.

On the first day of the week, with soldiers at the tomb he rose again, and kept reminding the disciples, “Do not fear”. Emboldened by the Resurrection, they did not, and the victory over militarism started, the not quite Holy Roman Empire, peace movements, the gentle spreading of the Good News, and even nation speaking peace to nation and the good sense of God’s peace, sometimes courageous, but usually quite ordinary. Christianity has spread through most nations on earth through word of mouth and word of life, not through the sword.

Frequently, we have seen though the militarists. We know Hitler has only got one ball. Still the militarists come back, justifying their weapons and controlling political leaders. They try to teach us to fear and make money from weapons. Yet in Christ this system is defeated. The Lamb is on the Throne, not the military dictator. The Good News of peace, far easier than war and armament, can flow across the globe, blessing ordinary people beyond measure. We need learn war no more.

This Easter we face again the futility of war and the dead end of the bomb. Two billion Christians stand for the gentle defeat of militarism. The crosses round our necks say “A dead loss” to militarism. The fear system is seen through. The long victory of Christ the Peacemaker is underway for humankind. We can be forgiven our past and pass peace on at no cost to anyone. We live Christ’s victory over militarism from now until it is completed by disarmament. Peace be with you.

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